Understanding and Managing Back Pain

Back pain is a systemic problem that affects most people once during their lifetime. Acute issues are most common with the younger population and cumulative reoccurring issues being something the older generation deals with. In entirety, it is a health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Symptoms range from a slight discomfort to debilitating pain. Either way, it has a significant impact on an individual's quality of life.

Leading Causes of Back Pain

Back pain is a consequence of ergonomic risk factors present in the tasks that people perform day after day. These factors increase the chances of incurring a cumulative related disorder. These ergonomic risk factors include awkward postures, repetitive movements, actions with high force. A combination is multiplicative so having more than one simultaneously is more significant.  These lead to such conditions such as muscle strains of the lower back and herniated spinal discs. Additional cofactors include obesity, sedentary behavior, and a lack of exercise can further contribute to conditions leading to back pain. A factor that is quite frequently overlooked is psychological or psychosocial factors such as job stress and not having control over one’s job duties can also exacerbate the chances of a back pain issue. Finding the underlying causes can require an ergonomic specialist for effective management across a workplace or at an individual level.

Symptoms and Impact

Back pain manifests itself in various ways. The symptoms range from acute localized pain to dull pain to radiating pain. The most common initial symptoms are stiffness, muscle spasms, and more ongoing issues result in more serious conditions including reduced mobility. It not only can have an impact on our daily physical activities and productivity but also can affect the well-being of our mental health too. Chronic back issues and pain does affect our sleep quality and ability to enjoy simple activities. This can further make people more sedentary and lead to sedentary related health risks. So it is critical to identify ergonomic issues and intervene early on to prevent long-term further complications that may be irreversible at later stages of progression.

Pain and Risk Management Strategies

Managing a back related musculoskeletal disorder will typically involve chiropractic, physical therapy (PT), acupuncture, or body work. The current ergonomic risks that caused the issues in the first place should be assessed promptly and a specialist should recommend ways to mitigate these either with biomechanics training, equipment, or elimination.  The treatment needs to be tailored to the individual's needs based on their condition. Conservative treatment almost always works initially including RICE or Rest, Ice, Cold/Heat therapy, and Elevation as well as non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications.  Exercise and stretch programs help improve flexibility, range of motion, and strengthen core muscles. In many cases your local chiropractor, acupuncturist, or massage therapist may be the way to go. If the pain persists over a year, or is intolerable, or preventing function then medical interventions may be considered. These interventions include prescription medications, injections, and surgery.

Prevention and Lifestyle Changes

Preventing back pain involves building a strong core, engaging in healthy habits, lifestyle choices, and regular exercise. Not to forget practicing a reduction of ergonomic risks such as the use of ergonomic furniture and tools as well as avoiding prolonged sitting or standing reduce the risk of developing back pain.

Final Words

Back pain is a common health concern that can be better understood when knowing the causes. By recognizing symptoms early on appropriate management strategies can be implemented to alleviate pain, improve functionality, and live our best healthy lives. Ergonomics is about implementing preventive measures so talk to your local ergonomic specialist with Ergobility and adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce that chances that you stop back pain in its tracks!

Allen Yagjian