How Ergonomics Can Save You From the Health Risks of Laptops

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Portability, lightweight, built-in devices, and offline operation; these are some of the advance features of laptops that make it convenient to the masses. Compared to desktop computers, laptops are more favorable because setting it up is a lot easier and comes in handy wherever you wish to use it. Plus, it's more economical than the desktop counterpart.

You think laptops are the best choice, but you're probably on the wrong train.

When we delve into the standards of ergonomics, laptops are not part of the list. Laptops and their features are likely to be classified as 'non-ergonomic'. Particularly with prolonged use, it can lead to an aching neck, soring back, throbbing head, and pricking fingers. The battle between mobility versus safety and comfort gets underway.

Solely because of the fixed design of laptops, it stimulates ergonomic hazards and health risks to the users. Using laptops with an attached screen to the keyboard may cause people to bend their necks and hunch over resulting in incorrect posture, musculoskeletal discomfort, and debilitating physical problems such as fatigue and repetitive muscle strains. Along with that is the inappropriate hand or wrist posture that may cause carpal tunnel syndrome and tendon problems.

Do all of these disadvantages mean that your laptop should be now discarded from your use? No. You can avoid fatigue and discomfort while using a laptop because there are a handful of ways that you can do.

Dr. Kevin Carneiro of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine quoted, "When you use a laptop, you have to make some sort of sacrifice."

And nothing is truer than this. Laptops are convenient but not when it comes to your comfort and safety. Instead of disposing it. following some tips on how to position your laptops in a safer and more comfortable setting is an efficient alternative and solution that you can take into action.

How to revamp your laptops to a more ergonomically friendly device?

Dr. Carneiro emphasized that the ideal solution from the ergonomic hazards of laptops is using a docking station. You can use an external monitor in which a station links a laptop to another monitor or to a stand that raises the screen to a higher level. When you're monitor is adjusted to your comfortable eye level, there is no need for hunching over and inappropriate posture.

Below are other tips you can add to the list:

1. Use an ergonomic adjustable laptop stand. This allows your laptop to be adjusted to your specific comfortable eye-level eliminating the chances of bending your neck and slouching.

2. Use an ergonomic chair that supports a comfortable upright or slightly reclined position. It maximizes your safety and comfort from the ergonomic risks.

3. Make sure that your wrists and elbows are also supported. You can use an ergonomic mouse so that your hands, wrist, and fingers are placed in a relaxed and neutral position.

4. Take short breaks every 20 minutes. Power breaks such as meditating, stretching, drinking coffee, and other short-timed leisures can rest your muscles, lessens the chances of fatigue, and boost your concentration.

5. When muscle strains and body pains are inevitable regardless of your efforts to abiding ergonomic set-up, take frequent breaks, a day off, or see a doctor.

6. Keep yourself hydrated and follow a healthy diet. Always prepare a bottle of water with you on your desk. Make sure to not skip in consuming healthy foods.

7. Exercise regularly. Taking care of your physical health is taking care of your mental and emotional facet, and boosts your productivity.

When you decide to take care of your health, you are taking a step into maximum productivity. You can hustle hard while you prioritize your health, comfort, and safety through the help of ergonomics.

Source: EHS Today

Allen Yagjian