Work From Home Tips: Be Collaborative During the Relevant Virtual Casual Meetings

Virtual business meetings make you obliged to participate. Participating in these mandatory meetings is as significant as attending to your workloads. Now, how about the casual or optional meetings? What if your company holds such meetings, virtual get-togethers, and other extra meetings you ought to be not that essential? Are they worth your time?

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If you are bothered with skepticism, this article will help you understand why virtual casual meetings are equally relevant to virtual business meetings. Understand that keeping these two at balance puts a successful business in the picture. Also, learn how to reinforce the constructive virtual casual meetings your company holds.

In virtual casual meetings, bonding takes place. Bonding is part of the job. It formulates an effective team that is founded by meaningful connection, teamwork, inclusivity, and trust. Oftentimes, this happens when every conversation you make with each other does not always directly relate to work.

Virtual casual meetings keep the sense of connection and collaboration. Compared to virtual business meetings, casual ones are less serious and more fun. Virtual casual meetings can be more of a personal connection with everyone in the team. It may not be a discussion of a new project, sales preparation, or marketing strategies alterations but it may be sharing of effective stress-coping strategies, tips to overcome the work-from-home challenges, words of motivation and other important matters that may considerably help everyone in the business in keeping retention and teamwork.

Hence, it is vital to participate in virtual optional, casual meetings. However, being virtually present but emotionally and mentally absent during these meetings may not be enough. When the only reason you’re participating in virtual casual meetings is for compulsory purposes, it won’t help you and the whole team either. On the contrary, when you engrossed yourself to the discussion, even when it bores you or feels unrelatable, the overall meeting will give a sense of fulfillment that you will carry whenever and wherever you are.

During virtual casual meetings, make sure to turn your video on, be attentive, and be engaging. You can speak or say suggestions during the collaborative meetings. You can also say a simple bid of appreciation to the participants like, “Thank you, everyone. Bye!” or you can share simple comments about today’s discussion. This makes your presence known and leaves a good impression about you as a worker and as a human being.

Comprehensively, learning the importance of virtual casual meetings proffers you the desired result that might be unnoticeable sometimes but has been always proven as considerable. So, take advantage of these meetings and make yourself involved and collaborative. You may never know, you’ll miss out on the sundry of benefits it provides.

Allen Yagjian